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Thread: 2 Questions: Job Sharing and Payment Gateway

  1. #1
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    Amateur cajebo's Avatar
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    2 Questions: Job Sharing and Payment Gateway

    Has anyone had an opportunity to set their JobRoller theme so that other jobBoards had an opportunity to capture your job postings. Think of, but in reverse.

    As to gateways, of the payment variety, can one of the admins or developers let us mortals know if additional gateway support will be one of the new additions in the 1.4 release?

    I note a great majority of the admin responses to custom-adjustments to files are 'protected' by "You must be an AppThemes customer and logged in to view this response. Join today!" privy.

    Can you at least confirm, prior to purchase, that there is a developer friendly way of implementing additional gateways hidden in those 'secret' forum replies?

    thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    I know that there was mention of people wanting to do this, but I don't believe I have seen any examples or heard of anyone who has actually got it working.

    No, there will not be any additional payment gateways included in version 1.4. There are certainly plans for this to happen in a future release, but as to what and when, we cannot confirm at this time. For the moment it would involve customization on your part to implement a payment gateway of your own.

    If you're wanting to know if there are any threads in the forums relating to specifically how to add another payment gateway to JobRoller, then no, there isn't. Not to say that no-one has done it outside of the forums, but there isn't a set of instructions you're going to find here.

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