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Thread: 2 web application projects with WP

  1. #1
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    Guest mshane's Avatar

    2 web application projects with WP


    I have 2 projects to complete and was wondering if there is a theme that meets my requirements.

    1) Tutor Directory /Membership/Ecommerce

    I need an application that will allow tutors to become paid members and then list themselves in a tutor directory based on geographic location. The tutors will be required to have paid memberships in order to get listed in the directory. Then the students/parents can search the directory (for free - they will not need memberships) and select from a range of tutors based on their geographic location.

    2) Registration App /Ecommerce

    I need an application for a school which will allow parents to register their kids for summer courses/classes offered. None of the courses or classes are offered online so there will be no online content. Simply a directory of what is offered and a shopping cart where the courses/classes can be added and then the parent will check out. I would also like the parent to be able to log into their account in order to see a list of what they have purchased and registered their child for. On the back end I would like to be able to filter and export data from the database to provide to the business office - so csv files based on last name, course, gender, age etc...

    Thanks so much


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our Vantage directory theme will allow users to post a listing based on your specified pricing option and others to view without payment, so you may like to check that theme out for your first example.

    There is not so much of an exact match in terms of your second example, as none of our themes have a checkout functionality built into them. There are .csv importers in our themes, but not exporting tools, you'd need to use the WordPress export feature for exporting. The closest you could get to the shopping cart side would be the ClassiPress theme in conjunction with one of the available ClassiPress child themes which include woocommerce compatibility here in the AppThemes marketplace. Thanks.

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