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Thread: 4 question before buying

  1. #1
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    4 question before buying

    before buying the templete I would to know:

    1) when a new user registers his activities there is a way to make the system a check for duplicates. and possibly make an update instead of an insert to db.

    2) You can insert custom fields in the view store?
    3) when will the final responsive version ?
    4) watching your showcase I noticed this site ( which has the distinction (this is the only example I've seen) to make the user choose the distance from the city you enter in the text field . this is something easily implemented by the administration panel?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    New Zealand
    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    Hi Antonio, in answer to your questions:

    1) There is currently no built in tool which searches for duplicates, so this would ultimately be a manual process at this time in terms of moderating listings.
    2) The custom fields function is related to the listings themselves, so you can essentially have whatever information you need to appear in the listing.
    3) The responsive design changes will be available in Vantage v1.1.4, for which the release is imminent. It has already been undergoing beta testing so has been available to our existing customers in the form of the development build.
    4) This is not a function which is built into the theme, so it is a modification made by the customer. You can however, find a location related plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace which allows you to provide a location filter on the homepage. The plugin is called Multi-City AV. Thanks.

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