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Thread: 5 question

  1. #1
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    5 question

    1. Does it have to be on a separate domain that can be INSTALLED in the blog who is already conducting and wordpress is in a language other than English?

    2. Can add other options for payment like as Dotpay - Bezpieczne p?atno?ci online w Internecie, SMS Premium Rate
    3. Is it possible to display the company's recommended? or company currently recruit
    4. I understand that I can translate in any language?
    5. Customer package if I can manage ? and Can change dollar for another?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
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    1. Jobroller is a wordpress theme and if you already have an existing wordpress installation, you need to install a separate instance for it either in subdomain or folder.

    You can check the available language pack here JobRoller Language Packs | AppThemes .

    2. Dotpay is not yet an option in the payment gateways but you can have it implemented through custom coding as what other users have done.

    3. Not a current option but it can be implemented again through custom coding.
    4. Yes you can translate it to your language and there is a guide on how to do so.
    5. The currency setting is based on paypal supported countries being the current payment gateway.

    Since there are no encryped codes in theme you can modify it according to your requirement. Implementation however is just dependent upon your coding skills or you can just avail the services of an experienced programmer. You may also check the Appthemes certified partners here Certified WordPress Theme Partners | AppThemes .
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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