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Thread: 6 questions before we buy

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    6 questions before we buy


    We are seriously considering buying your theme, as we have found out that our current directory theme has some issues in relation to what we need.

    So here are 6 questions we need to have answered before we buy:

    1) Can I bulk import businesses and events from a CSV file or similar? How is the CSV file setup?

    2) Our plan is to make a site that cover all of Denmark and not just a specific city.

    Will the theme automatically make landing pages for specific citites, where the map is centered on the city etc.

    3) Will the theme automatically make landing pages for specific categories and cities like "cafes in Copenhagen"?

    4) Denmark is a small country, so many cities are located right next to each other.

    If a map is focused on one city (say Copenhagen), will the map show markers for everything - no matter which city the businesses belong to?

    5) If you go to there are 6 listings, but only 2 are shown on the map.

    Why is that?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) Yes, there is a .csv importing tool for both listings and events built into the theme, and for anything more than the basic default fields, you can refer to this documentation.
    2) You can set the default location in the geo settings tab as seen on the Vantage admin demo site. There is no landing page created as such, but this is for the map.
    3) Yes, category listing pages are created automatically
    4) Yes, the map will show all listings for different locations
    5) This is because of the 6 listings for "Vietnamese", only 2 addresses have been used for the purpose of the demo (not full street addresses either). If we used 6 different addresses then you'd see all of the markers. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thank you for your reply.

    2) Can I somehow (manually) create a landing page for each city? Where the map is centered on the city and the listings show businesses from the city.

    3) Can I somehow (manually) create a landing page for each city-category combination? Where the map is centered on the city, showing category matches and the listings show category-matching businesses from the city.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Through customization on your part yes you can essentially make whatever changes to the theme you like. Vantage is not encrypted so there is nothing preventing you from making modifications outside of what the default theme offers. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Ok. Final question: Have you tested theme performance when there are lots of markers on the map etc.? (think 1000+ markers)

    If 1000+ markers make performance go down the drain, is there a possibility to filter markers or similar?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    I'd have to check with our team specifically what has been testing in this regard, but am not aware of any reported problems as such. On a related note, you may wish to note other map provider plugins in the AppThemes marketplace. Thanks.

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