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Thread: about translation files

  1. #1
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    about translation files


    Could I use the french translation (available on your languages packages page) made for v1.5 and use it with v1.7 ?
    If I have to make another complete translation is it easy and can I replace ALL the words of your theme, included for example the term "featured" which doesnt mean anything in French :)


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You need to use the latest translation file for the version of the theme you are using, and whilst a current one does not exist, you could create one as per the instructions link found on the main languages page (you may also wish to note the translation benefits if you were to provide this translation file). Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    yes I will make my translation and then send it to you to share it with everybody.

    I found this on your website, to update an old translation, that would be helpful not to start from zero, is it possible to apply these steps?

    How to Update an Older Translation

    If you’ve previously translated an older version of a theme and upgraded your site to the latest version, you’ll notice the translation file no longer works correctly. This is due to the fact that some theme strings have changed and the old .mo language file doesn’t have translations for those strings.

    First open your old existing .PO file (i.e. classipress-pr_PR.po) in POEdit. “File” => “Open”
    Select “Catalog” => “Update from POT file” from the menu and select your new .POT file from the theme folder (i.e. classipress.pot)
    Now PoEdit will show you what text is new and needs to be translated. It should also update any other changes that have been made.
    After you have translated the new text, save the project, which will generate your new .MO file.
    Overwrite your old .MO file in your languages/themes/classipress/ directory and look at your site.
    Also make sure you’ve activated the latest version of the theme (the one that the new language file came with)

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes there is an option within poedit which allows you to import existing translation strings. I'm not sure if the steps are 100% up to date, but should be similar. We'd ask that you still browse through and check the strings are correct once the data is imported though. Thanks.

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