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Thread: about update 3.1.4 to 3.3

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    about update 3.1.4 to 3.3

    i had a classipress 3.1.4 website with these options;
    ClassiPress Version 3.1.4
    ClassiPress DB Version 1280
    WordPress Version 3.5.2

    i want to buy 3.3 version but i want to learn if i buy it will i update my website without ads and users loss? (i will update my wp version to 3.8.1 after i buy your theme)

    and my second question is, in my language ClassiPress has 3.1 version language file. would i use it on ClassiPress 3.3 (yes i know i have to translate little more english to my language but it will gain time to me)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You won't lose ad or user data in the process of an upgrade, but you should expect to lose any modifications you may have made to the default theme files as these are essentially overwritten. You should of course always carry out a backup before you proceed with any kind of update. You would need to use an updated language file for the latest version of the theme used. Thanks.

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