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Thread: Adding Custom Fields to category view page and search results page

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Adding Custom Fields to category view page and search results page


    I'm trying to setup a national directory of businesses from all industries.

    My question is, would I be able to display a custom filed not only on the single business listing page, but also on the search results or category view page where all the businesses for a specific category are listed? For example, for each listing I would like to show: Business Name, Address, Contact Name, Phone Number, Operating Hours, Website Address and Special Promotions in the category page, as well as, the single business listing page, of course, which I know I can do. Basically, we don't want visitors to have to click the business to view the specials. In fact, what we want displayed on that initial page of search results for each business should be: Business Name, Address, Contact Name, Phone Number, Operating Hours, Website Address and Special Promotions.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Vantage has a custom form builder for the listing form, but adding other search fields would require customization on your part. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to modify them as you wish. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Thread Starter
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    What about adding a custom field to a listing so that it's shown on the category view, as well? Not only on the individual listings's details page.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Sorry, I'm not sure exactly what you mean? You can certainly add custom fields to a listing form, but the listing itself will only show in the category view if it actually fits that category. If you're referring to the brief description that appears before you click on the listing itself, it would require customization to change what this displays. Thanks.

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