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Thread: ads

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    I am considering purchasing your theme but I have a need that will either make

    or break the purchase decision.

    I need the ability to add different ads (ads which are just images that can be

    linked to other websites)

    The issue is I need the ads to be different based on the category. I will

    chosse the ads based on the category and place them in the correct category:

    Restaurants will have 3 specific ads, things to do will have 3 different

    specific ads, hotels 3 different specific ads and so on for each category.

    Is this possible?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, I'm not sure I completely understand what you're trying to achieve? It sounds as though you want only a limited number of listings to appear on the site, as determined by you, each with just an image linked to another site? If so, you could disallow others from creating listings and just post these yourself as an admin. If you are wanting to allow others to post listings, then essentially you would want to moderate each one before they are published in order to place them in the category you choose, and add the appropriate image. This is certainly possible, but would be rather time intensive for you as the admin, to manually do this for each listing. Please let me know if you have further clarification of your requirements. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Forum Member vegaskev's Avatar
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    You can accomplish this with a bit of conditional php. I've seen people explain how to do this in the forum. While there are not settings in the Vantage dashboard, the scripts should be fairly straightforward for you to implement. Good luck OP

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