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Thread: AdSense, Pricing

  1. #1
    Dana Minyard
    Thread Starter
    Guest Dana Minyard's Avatar

    AdSense, Pricing

    Some questions for you:

    Do you have the ability to set up credit in the payments options? If I have a client who has xx amount of dollars already invested in advertising, can I set up a credit for them to post their listing?

    Can I use Google AdSense on my pages?

    What type of documents can a subscriber include on their listing? .pdf? .doc? .docx?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    "Credits" are not a default feature of Vantage, so there is no option for it in the Vantage admin dashboard at this time. If you wanted to implement this, it would involve customization of the theme on your part. Yes you can use Adsense in the theme.

    You can specify the allowed file extensions when creating the custom listing form (see the "File upload" tab of the custom form page of the Vantage admin demo). Thanks.

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