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Thread: Advanced Search And Side Note

  1. #1
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    Guest VeryInterestedBut's Avatar

    Advanced Search And Side Note

    I have been waiting for the final release of Classipress 3.1 before purchasing, and now that it appears it is out, I have a couple of questions.

    There seemed to be a lot of hype about there being a true advanced search feature. From what I can see, it is only a "refine search", and only shows up after clicking on a category. I was expecting there to be a link showing "Advance Search" where you would go to a true advance search page, with the ability to choose a category, and the ability to enter a "Key Word" etc. Am I missing something here or is this not available?

    Also, is there any way to edit the "refine search" widget that shows up in the side bar?
    The reason I ask is that the slider to select price is almost unusable since the max price on the demo is showing
    "$0 - $2147483647" which makes it almost impossible to select 0 to say 200.00 unless you use the arrow keys on your keyboard to adjust the slider.

    In addition to the slider issue, I wish to use a default country and state and do not want the dropdown boxes for country and state to show up. The classifieds site I wish to build is strictly for the U.S. and for one state only. I understand I can modify the code to keep the country and state forms from showing up, and hard code the country and state, but it would be nice if this could be modified in the admin side.

    I wold appreciate it if someone would explain to me "preferably in some detail" why there is no true advanced search with a category selection, keyword search, and the ability to modify the advance search from the admin side?

    On a side note, do you have any idea when you will add payment gateways other than "PayPal"?
    That is another item I have been waiting on as I do not really care for PayPal.

    Thank you in advance


  2. #2
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Advanced Search

    Yes, I would like to know the answer to these questions also.

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