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Thread: Advanced search and subcategories questions

  1. #1
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    Advanced search and subcategories questions

    Hi! I am looking for a theme that will suit a vehicle parts search engine, where parts are listed by type of vehicle, year, make, model, interior, exterior, used, new, etc. The parts will be sold by manufacturers and private individuals. It looks like vantage will suit my needs, but I am wondering if it can handle 6 or more subcategories?

    And with this type of specialization, I'm needing an advanced search that can list many categories and subcategories- I want it easy for someone to get to the part they need, quickly.

    Is Vantage capable of this?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Based on the brief description you have given of your project, at this time I would personally say that the ClassiPress theme may be better suited to it in relation to the functionality that it already has. That is, you can create custom forms for ad listings, and search based on those custom fields. The advanced search in ClassiPress can be seen on the demo site as "Refine results" in the sidebar, and those fields which are used in the advanced search box are determined by what you set up. Vantage does also include a custom forms and fields functionality, however at this time you cannot search by those custom fields (although this is planned for a future release of the theme). Of note, neither Vantage or ClassiPress includes eCommerce functionality which would allow a customer to purchase an item directly through the site. Both themes allow you to create as many categories/subcategories you require.

    Ultimately both themes are capable of what you describe in the sense that there is no encryption which would prevent you from making the relevant changes required for your purposes. It comes down to which of these would require the least amount of customization in order to suit your project. Thanks.

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