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Thread: for all ( classipress,jobrolls,clipper,vantage )

  1. #1
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    Guest garrett's Avatar

    for all ( classipress,jobrolls,clipper,vantage )

    I want to use all of these for our local city gov't page.

    *i want there there to be a way to pay per ad for posting apartments and jobs etc. I want the customer to have an option to pay for this per ad or monthly or yearly.

    * this would apply only to the classifieds and job roller. is this possible?

    * also, it is possible to set these up with one single log in, for all?

    *can set up local towns on classipress , job roller etc? or multi city ?

    * does job roller have a back end system for EMPLOYERS to keep track of applicants and resumes etc?

    Than you

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    All themes can be used on a single site, but each would require their own instance of WordPress to run with the functionality of each theme still being independent of one another (i.e. jobs and ad listings are not all collected into one checkout process, each would be carried out separately). Also functionality found in one theme may not be available in another.

    You can use a WordPress multisite setup if you want to allow a single user login across all installations. A multi region setup however would involve more installations as this is not a feature built into any of our themes at this time.

    Only the admin has access to the JobRoller admin dashboard information, so employers would only be able to track based on the emails they receive. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest garrett's Avatar
    hi pepsi,

    thanks for the reply.

    so from your reply, i can set up a single lo-gin for all the themes? I just have to host them all ?

    i can install a plugin for all of the apps to have separate cities and towns? Or if I want different towns I need to purchase each one again and again.

    can i charge members to post a monthly price instead of pay per ad?


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you can set up a single login across all themes by way of the multisite setup as per the link provided, yes you would need to host you own installations. An actual multisite network with different locations will be a more complex setup, and will likely involve more than just a plugin (I'm not aware of any plugins which actually can do this), but if you have the coding ability to do so, it can be achieved as existing customers have also done the same thing. A single theme purchase will allow you to install the theme on multiple websites, so you don't need to pay for a theme for each installation.

    ClassiPress has a subscription option available, so you can set up membership packs for your chosen duration/price. More settings can be seen here on the ClassiPress admin dashboard demo. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Guest garrett's Avatar
    thanks for your reply.

    when you say multi site network, what do you mean? On our county website, we want to install all your themes ( jobs, coupons, classifieds, reviews ) and have one login for our residents instead of having to create 4 of them.

    We want each theme to be able to have multi city/town as we have different town's in our county.

    Would this be possible?


  6. #6
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    Guest garrett's Avatar
    thanks for your reply.

    when you say multi site network, what do you mean? On our county website, we want to install all your themes ( jobs, coupons, classifieds, reviews ) and have one login for our residents instead of having to create 4 of them.

    We want each theme to be able to have multi city/town as we have different town's in our county.

    Would this be possible?


    - - - Updated - - -

    also, i know a user review system is not built into classipress at this time.

    but is there a plugin that can be installed for a user review system kind of like ebay?

    If so, can you please let me know where to find. Thanks

  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you read the link provided in my previous post regarding WordPress multisite it will explain more about how it works. If you have 4 of our themes set up on such a network, then yes your users can have a single login for all themes. None of our themes are multi location capable in the way you describe, so again as mentioned, this would involve multiple installations and customization in order to achieve a similar result. We do not have official documentation for this kind of setup as it is technically going to require customization which is not officially supported (i.e. you would need to do this yourself), but yes technically it can be done, and has been done by other members of our community.

    ClassiPress does not have a user review setup at this time, and although we have a rating plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace, it is currently not linked to the user, however we have inquired with our development team if this may be a possibility for the plugin in future. We hope to post a response relating to this on the plugin page soon. Thanks.

  8. #8
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    Guest garrett's Avatar
    thanks for the reply.

    would this plugin work?

    wouldn't this work? or this is not a plugin from you guys directly?

  9. #9
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No it is not an AppThemes created product, however the company who produces the plugin you mention also offers products in the AppThemes marketplace, so they do have some association with us in that respect.

    Also, just to update on my note above about the Starstuck marketplace plugin, our development team have confirmed that there are plans to include an option for author ratings in a future release of the plugin. Thanks.

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