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Thread: Is it already possible to sort coupons based on "xx%" succes rating on any given page

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Is it already possible to sort coupons based on "xx%" succes rating on any given page

    I would like to know if coupons can be sorted based on their succes rating. If yes how? If no, can i do a payed customization?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There isn't a specific function for this yet, but feature requests can be submitted to the AppThemes Ideas Exchange for consideration.

    AppThemes does not carry out customization work, however we do have a Certified Partners page where you can find developers for hire.

  3. #3
    Guest kashi's Avatar
    i would suggest you to have your own developers team for handling modifications issues instead of having some other partners. You developer can do the modifications quickly as they would already have the domain of your themes.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kashi View Post
    i would suggest you to have your own developers team for handling modifications issues instead of having some other partners. You developer can do the modifications quickly as they would already have the domain of your themes.
    @amk2010, feel free to use your usual login to ask questions ok ;)

    In response to your comment though, we simply don't have the resources to carry out customization work at this time, as our development team members are focused on our updates for our current and upcoming themes.

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