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Thread: I am evaluating ClassiPress

  1. #1
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    I am evaluating ClassiPress

    I would appreciate it if you can clarify the followings:

    1) If I want left sidebar instead of the default right sidebar, is it easy to change? I do not find it configurable at your demo site

    2) Also for the slider at home page, is it easy to disable?

    3) For custome fields:

    a) Can I fix country to “Singapore” instead of “drop down” option
    b) In ClassiPress demo site “State” is mandatory. Does it mean that it cannot be removed? Does it mean that it will have to be displayed and key in. If I do not need this field, what is the best way to get rid of it in my display?
    c) For the “tags” field, I will like to change it to “drop down” so as to ensure that users are narrowed to the tags I define for them. Can this be done? If cannot be done, can I remove it from custom field or disable it from the submission display?

    4) What would you recommend for language toggle (between English and Simplified Chinese)?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) The sidebar is not configurable from the ClassiPress admin dashboard, so it would require customization of the default theme on your part if you wanted to change this. How "easy" it is, is ultimately relative to your level of coding knowledge, but yes it can be done.

    2) You can disable the slider without customization, you can select the setting in the ClassiPress admin dashboard to disable it.

    a) You can remove all other countries, leaving only Singapore as the only option (no customization required), or through customization you could potentially make it a fixed field.
    b) ClassiPress has a custom forms and fields functionality, so you can either create a custom ad form (simply leaving out the "State" field), OR you could edit the "State" field and rename the title to something relevant to your country (e.g. Province), and also edit the field values to show locations relevant to your country. Either method does not require customization, this can be configured in the ClassiPress admin dashboard.
    c) It is a core ClassiPress field, so is fixed to a text box by default. It could be customized if you wanted to change this, however you could also remove it from the ad listing form by using the custom forms function.

    4) The theme does not offer this option by default (currently you can only use one language at a time), however there are changes planned for the next major release of ClassiPress v3.3 which will allow compatibility with the WPML plugin. We have been working with the developers of the plugin to make it happen, and essentially we are creating a plugin specifically for this purpose which can be used with the next version of the theme in conjunction with their plugin.


  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Follow Up Questions


    Thank you for your reply. I have several follow-up questions:

    1) Do you know where I can get child theme with left sidebar. I am interested in both free and paid versions. If you know of multiple sources, kindly send me the URL

    2) I visited Classipress Admin but could not be certain where to disable homepage slider. Is it Dashboard -> Settings -> listings -> Ad Image Options -> Show Preview Image?

    3) For custom field, I am confused with the phrase “This is a core ClassiPress field and cannot be deleted”.

    Under Classipress Admin demo -> Dashboard -> Custom Fields, 9 fields are found with this phrase: Tags, Title, Description, Zip/Postal Code, Street, State, Price, Country and City.

    When compared with Classipress user demo -> Submit Your Listing, I found 5 corresponding fields are mandatory with an asterisk (*). These 5 fields are: Description, Zip/Postal Code, State, Price and Country. Another 4 fields which are not marked with asterisk are Tags, Street, City, Title.

    My questions are:

    a) For my implementation, do I have to do the same to fix the same 5 fields as mandatory? What if I prefer to drop the field “State”?
    b) For those 4 fields that are not mandatory, can I omit them from my “submit listing” page? For example, I would like to omit tags, street and city.
    c) Where can I change the wordings of these fields? For example, I will like to change “Zip/Postal Code” to just “Postal Code”?

    Thank you for your patience.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

    1) You can find the currently available child themes in the AppThemes Marketplace, however I don't believe there are any with the specific sidebar orientation you are looking for at this time. Your other alternative option is that you can find developers for hire in the certified partners page who can make this modification for you. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for the work.

    2) The slider can be disabled in the pricing settings.

    3) Whilst you can remove any of the custom fields by way of a custom form, you cannot actually delete it completely (which doesn't matter as they're only visible in the wp-admin anyway, if you choose not to use those fields). For a better understanding of the custom forms and fields functionality you can view documentation here.
    a) What you choose to add to the custom form is up to you, but if it's required in order to effectively place an ad e.g. Title, Description, then the option to remove it as a required field is grayed out. If you don't want to use "State", you simply don't add it to the custom form.
    b) You can leave the fields out that you don't want to use by creating a custom form
    c) Custom fields can be edited via the custom fields page as per the ClassiPress admin demo.


  5. #5
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    Thank you for the patience. I am very impressed by your professional support.

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're most welcome :)

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