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Thread: Applicant

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Guest Ali's Avatar



    I have a question regarding with the applicants side.

    If I'm the applicant and I want to register, and if I already register and fill out all the necessary for my resume, is there functionality that I can review my application or companies that I already applied?

    Hence, I already apply 10 companies, am i able to review it? so that I cannot apply same companies twice.

    Do applicants have own profile to review what he already done? Just like some recruitment website.

    I just cant find a demo for applicant side.

    thank you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The theme itself doesn't include this feature to show job applications, although the FXTender Pro plugin does offer additional functionality not already part of JobRoller. Thanks.

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