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Thread: Application Management tool

  1. #1
    David Baker
    Thread Starter
    Guest David Baker's Avatar

    Application Management tool

    We need to have the following:

    Client completes a form
    Form is viewed by admin
    Form is assigned to member of staff
    Form is modified by staff - taking it through stages (new, read, assigned, action 01, action 02, etc, complete)
    We also need to be able to view the number and status of the forms.

    Can Quality Control can do this for us?

    thanks for your help


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, Quality Control allows the process you describe. You can also find links to the front and back end demo site via the theme information page for an idea of how it all looks. Thanks.

  3. #3
    David Baker
    Thread Starter
    Guest David Baker's Avatar

    Last question - about creating a ticket


    thanks for your reply on this.

    One last question... I require the 'customer' to complete a form (or raise a ticket) and then never see the ticket again. We woud then take the ticket through various milestones.

    Is this possible straight out of the box - or is there a way of importing or creating a ticket from Gravity forms or something like that?



  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi David, by default, when a customer creates a ticket, they are the author of the ticket and therefore still have access to see it (even if someone is assigned), so the only way to prevent them seeing the details further would be to change the author. Changing this, or implementing a system via gravity forms would ultimately require customization of the default theme on your part as this is not part of the existing theme features. Thanks.

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