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Thread: Apply only for registed users

  1. #1
    Jose Spain
    Thread Starter
    Guest Jose Spain's Avatar

    Apply only for registed users

    Hello, I am very interested on your jobroller product, but I have 2 questions:

    1.- Is it possible to "Apply for Job" only for registered users? (I mean, I don't want any field of the form (Name, Email, Message, Upload resume ...))
    2.- If serveral users "Apply for the Job", has the empoyeer in his list of jobs a link to all the applied resume or only has the links in the received email?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. By default you are not required to register in order to apply for a job, but this functionality can be added through the use of an optional add-on called FXtender Pro which is available in the AppThemes marketplace.

    2. The employer only receives the email from the applicant, not a list. Thanks.

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