I'm in the UK and this too has stopped me purchasing the theme.
However, this documentation suggests that it can be done:
Google Maps Javascript API V3 Basics - Google Maps JavaScript API V3 - Google Code
here is the relevant part of the page:
"Region Localization
The Maps API serves map tiles and biases application behavior, by default, using the country of the host domain from which the API is loaded (which is the USA for maps.google.com). If you wish to alter your application to serve different map tiles or bias the application (such as biasing geocoding results towards the region), you can override this default behavior by adding a region parameter to the <script> tag when including the Maps API javascript code.
The region parameter accepts Unicode region subtag identifiers which (generally) have a one-to-one mapping to country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs). Most Unicode region identifiers are identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, Great Britain's ccTLD is "uk" (corresponding to the domain .co.uk) while its region identifier is "GB."
For example, to use a Maps API application localized to the United Kingdom, add ®ion=GB to the <script> tag as shown below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/
The following examples show two maps, one which geocodes "Toledo" based on the default region (US) to "Toledo, Ohio" and one which biases results based on a region set to ES (Spain) to "Toledo, Spain."
I'm not a developer so I have no idea if this is irrelevant or a help?
I'm hoping it can be implemented though :-)