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Thread: Authorisation by the admin and few more questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Konstantin's Avatar

    Authorisation by the admin and few more questions

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am highly interested in buying several of Your templates, however I have to ask a few questions before that. I am sorry if some of those questions were already answered before, but it is really hard to check 167 pages of content to find what You are looking for :)

    1) Am I right in understanding that all of the templates allow users to post anything on the website (advertisement, job offer, coupon, etc.) only after the registration? However, this can be customized and there are already few threads on the forum explaining how to allow non-registered users to post on the website?

    2) Is this possible to publish the post on the website only after the authorization by the administrator? In other words, each post would be registered in the administration panel, and the administrator will check it for conformity with the website rules (and even change if necessary) and only then allow or disallow it? Or is this something that has to be customized additionally? And if it is, were there already people doing it and discussing this issue on the forum?

    3) I know that my third question is most probably Wordpress-related, but I will anyways ask it here. How easy will it be to import the existing database into the website (let's say I want to import the database with advertisements into ClassiPress theme)? Moreover, how easy will it be to export the database from the website? Let's say I want to export the meaningful (I mean here that I want a ready for use table, and not the one which I have to re-write ti give it some sense) table with all the emails/names of the users, who published the post on my website (even if they are not registered)?

    I am very much looking forward to Your reply. Thank You in advance!

    Kind regards,

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No problem, we are happy to answer your questions :)

    1) Yes, all of the themes require registration before posts can be made, and yes the themes can potentially be modified in order to allow free posting without registration which is what some of our customers have done. To clarify, we do not have official tutorials on this as such as customizations are not officially supported by AppThemes, but you can seek community based support when it comes to questions such as this.

    2) Yes you can set ads/listings for moderation before they are published. The only exception to this would be for paid ads/listings which publish automatically once a transaction is completed.

    3) Currently ClassiPress does not have any specific import tools (outside of the standard ones offered in WordPress), so essentially at this time if you wanted to import a large number of ads from another site you would likely need knowledge of mysql admin to do this from the database end. Although there are plugins which can be used to import data, these still generally require some manual intervention in order to make sure listings appear correctly. Exporting options include Posts, pages and ads.
    "This will contain all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, navigation menus and custom posts."


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