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Thread: Auto insert sentence in the ad post

  1. #1
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    Auto insert sentence in the ad post


    I want to permanently insert a sentence in bold in ad post which should be visible at the bottom of the ad listing. Something like this " When you call, don't forget to mention that you found this ad on ". I want something like this to automatically get inserted in the post at the bottom. How can I do it. Iam not a coder by the way.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    It would require some minor code customization in order to do this. AppThemes does not offer customization services, however if you are looking for someone to make this modification for you, we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for the work. Thanks.

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