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Thread: Background and header

  1. #1
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    Guest Marisa's Avatar

    Background and header

    Currently I use a classifieds plugin on my site, but it's fairly basic. I could use a theme, because the classifieds section is in a sub-domain. However I want to get a similar look and feel, so I would need to be able to add a custom background and custom font in the header. Is that possible?

    Here's the existing site:
    and the classifieds section:

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our themes are not encrypted, so yes you are free to customize them as you wish. You can find some more information here regarding the recommended process for modifying default theme files by way of a child theme, so you have an idea of how it can be done. Creating a child theme rather than simply editing the core theme files means that there is less change of you losing all of your changes in the process of an update. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Thread Starter
    Guest Marisa's Avatar
    Thanks, but my concern is that I'm not a programmer and not conversant with coding themes. My current theme gives me the option to upload a custom background image. I would be concerned about having to rewrite a whole bunch of code to create a background on your theme - how far does support go? Would there be free support available to provide code snippets etc?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    ClassiPress has options in the admin dashboard which allows you to easily add your own logo, however there are no specific options for changing the background itself so this would definitely require some code changes. AppThemes does not officially support customizations, so unfortunately we do not have official tutorials for such changes which you would be able to refer to. These kinds of questions would essentially be subject to community based support in our "Mods & Tutorials" section of the forums. Thanks.

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