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Thread: Banner Ads in Sidebar/Header/Main Column

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Banner Ads in Sidebar/Header/Main Column

    Hi, I'm interested in using the Vantage theme to build a directory site for a client. In addition to selling directory listings, the client also wants to sell banner ads. I see that the Vantage demo site includes ads in the header, sidebar, and main column, but I don't see any information in the features list that describes how to sell, manage, or place the ads. Can you please recommend a solution for selling banner ads in addition to directory listings? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Thread Starter
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Ad Management

    After browsing your site some more, I see that there are Vantage Widgets included for placing 468px and 260px ads in the sidebar and header, but it looks like those Widgets are simply text/HTML-driven and not connected to any ad management system. Is there a method in place to sell that ad space and automatically rotate the banners, or must it be managed manually?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes you are correct, these are widget based banner areas, and the theme itself does not include any actual ad management functionality as you describe. There are currently no plugins for this purpose available in the AppThemes marketplace for Vantage, so whilst you may be able to find other plugins which offer the feature, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that they will be compatible with our themes (as we do not officially support third party plugins). So essentially it would require some customization on your part if you wanted to implement it at this time. Thanks.

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