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Thread: Best them for a used car classifieds board

  1. #1
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    Guest david1234's Avatar

    Best them for a used car classifieds board


    you guys have an awesome website and the themes look great.

    I need a theme for a used car classifieds board. Obviously it also needs to have features such as:
    - charging for different types of listings.
    - letting users edit the ads.
    - letting users contact the people
    - responsive
    and so on...but I know most of your themes have this....just didn't know which theme suited best for a used car classifieds board.
    Lastly, if you can refer me to 1-2 websites that used this theme for this purpose, that would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The best suited theme for the project you describe would be our ClassiPress classified ads theme which offers the features you mention and more related to classified ads. You can find customer websites created using ClassiPress on the AppThemes showcase, with a specific vehicle related one listed here. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    thanks for the quick response. appreciated

    thanks for the quick response. appreciated

  4. #4
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    reviews theme


    could you also kindly let me know which, if at all, theme would be best for reviews. I would like to let customers add reviews through a CUSTOM form that we will create, including the uploading of images and so on, and then other users would be able to search through the reviews and see what the reviewers wrote.
    the theme needs to include an option for custom forms and also so that the fields in the form "relate" to each other, so if someone choose "Apple products" in the first field (dropdown), then the second field, which will be called (for example) "select specific product" needs to only show the apple products I listed and not all the products.

    Thanks in advance Pepsi.

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No problem :) We currently don't have any reviews specific themes, rather it being a feature in the Vantage business directory theme and also available as a plugin in the AppThemes marketplace here. You could potentially use Vantage to list items to be rated, however the function doesn't work as describe by default, so it would require additional customization on your part if you were looking to change this. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Hi Pepsi,

    Would it perhaps be possible to use the ClassiPress classified ads theme for this? is it possible to create custom forms and fields in this theme and then the classified ads would be the reviews themselves and the search in the ads would be like searching in the classifieds but just with different fields.
    Bottom line:
    1. the question is whether your ClassiPress classified ads theme allows me to change fields and customize them or do I have to pay for another plugin for this?

    2. Could you please confirm that both the ClassiPress classified ads theme and the Vantage theme know how to "relate" between fields in a form, as per my previous question. This is crucial for us before purchasing the themes.

    Lastly, is there a refund policy...x amount of days?


  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. Yes you can create custom ad listing forms and fields in ClassiPress, this is part of the themes default functionality and does not require customization.

    2. ClassiPress allows you to use the advanced search functionality to search custom fields created by you. Vantage does not search custom fields at this time.

    You can find our refund policy on the AppThemes terms of service page here. Thanks.

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