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Thread: Branding

  1. #1
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    classiguy's Avatar
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    I noticed with specific licenses you can remove the link at the bottom. I am curious about the dashboard or cms side. I noticed in the videos that is says ClassiPress up at the top beside the wordpress symbol. Is this something that would only be visible to the admin? Are we able to change it our name?

    I'm asking not because I want to put my name on this and resell it, I just wouldn't want my competitors to register an account with me and see that I'm using ClassiPress.

    Sorry if you already covered this...

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Branding

    You can, and should have the wp-admin dashboard only visible to admin (this is something you can set from the CP settings). No, it won't say "ClassiPress" will say whatever it is you have called your website.. The actual ClassiPress logo on the site is just a placeholder which you can replace with your own logo too.

    Obviously you also would want to obtain the correct licence without footer credit..

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