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Thread: Before to buy

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Guest VantageQuestion's Avatar

    Before to buy

    1. Any coding tweaks to make it work ?
    2.How to add categories to main menu, coding or menu setting ?
    3. Demo Data listing available ? it suport infinite scrolling ?
    5. is it possible to add Featured listing slider to front page ?
    6.Facebook/twitter/G+/ login ?
    7. language Folder ?
    Thats it for now more question coming...

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    New Zealand
    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    1. No, the theme will work out of the box without actual coding "tweaks" required. It's only if you want to actually modify it from the default in any way that you'd be looking to do some coding.

    2. Categories are added easily from within the Vantage admin dashboard, no coding is required.

    3. No, this data is not available.

    4. You have to specify the number of listings per page from within the admin dashboard.

    5. Through customization on your part, yes you could do that. AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins, so we cannot guarantee that all plugins for this purpose would definitely be compatible with the theme. Essentially, even if you used a plugin, you should still expect to do some customization in order to get it working.

    6. This is not built into the theme, however there are some plugins recommended which can allow this functionality.

    7. I'm not sure what you mean by "Language Folder", but you can translate the theme into other languages if you wish. There is more information on our languages page. Thanks.

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