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Thread: After I buy Classipress may I please get some help if I have problems configuring it?

  1. #1
    Gary Edgeton
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    Guest Gary Edgeton's Avatar

    After I buy Classipress may I please get some help if I have problems configuring it?

    Hello and thanks for the opportunity to ask this question before I buy :)

    I am VERY keen to purchase Classipress but I have a friend who has bought and has been having problems. I don't want to go down the same track as him.
    We both have Hostgator hosting - he gets some weird message. The wp_remote_post() test to PayPal failed. Sorry, PayPal IPN won't work with your server. even though everything is set up properly. His server is setup properly to work with Classipress and everything is configured okay apparently.

    Anyway I just wanted to know that if I have a similar problem can you guys please assist me?? I just don't want to spend $100 to find out I can't use this theme that's all. if I cannot use the Paypal IPN I think this would be a waste of my money.



  2. #2
    samcy's Avatar
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    Hi Gary,

    We are several supporters from all over the world with the mission to help our customers. Our goal is to answer you questions in less than 24 hours.

    And YES, Paypal will work if your currency is supported by paypal:

    Hope to see you soon as a new customer
    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Thankyou very much - just one more question please! :)

    Thanks very much Rolf that sounds good - hopefully the error won't happen to me :( But it's good to know there's someone to help if it does.

    Finally before I jump to buy can you please tell me two more things?

    1. Could you please tell me if users can can post ads for items where the items are "free" or "to give away" (not at a price)?
    2. How easy is it to monetize a Classipress site ie add Google Adsense ads?

    Sorry to ask - I just need to have the above functionality.

    Thanks very much again and best regards

  4. #4
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Just wondering...

    Hello may I please ask if anyone can answer my last two pre-sales questions? I am so keen to buy! :) Thankyou kindly... Gary.

  5. #5
    samcy's Avatar
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    Hi Gary,

    1.) Yes, Users can leave the price field empty or write "free" or whatever

    2.) Is it easy to climb the Mount Everest? Some will say "YES, i did it 10 times and it was easy" but others will say "That's too difficult for me - no way!" What i'm trying to say is: It depends on your skills. ;)
    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

  6. #6
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Thankyou Rolf - but I am confused! :)

    Hello Rolf!

    Thanks so much for you replies. I'm perhaps not being very clear: I just wanted to know:

    a. I thought there would be an option to allow "free" or "to give away" rather than insert a price. ie a drop-down list item. Can this be done by a custom field?
    b. I merely wanted to know if you can easily add Adsense code to the site at all?

    Thanks again - hope you're having a great day!


  7. #7
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    I just thought I'd clarify. To leave a price field empty is very arbitrary and does not signify "free" or "give away" at all really. After all it could just be an input mistake. It would be much better to have an option as such. Thanks :)

  8. #8
    samcy's Avatar
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    a. Yes, you can create custom fields and let the ad poster choose. But that's basic, you may need to do some customization to show it more "impressionally"

    b. Many customers have done it already. You can even find plugins to do that job, for e.g: But have in mind that AppThemes does not support third party plugins.
    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

  9. #9
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Thanks Rolf

    Thanks Rolf,

    That sounds cool. I will buy tomorrow and hopefully have this theme installed very soon!

    I cannot thank you enough for your help so far. If it's indicative of the help you guys offer I'm confident I will be very happy with Classipress.

    Thanks again Rolf

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