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Thread: Buying and billing info ....

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Guest Borg's Avatar

    Buying and billing info ....

    Hi I just wanted to know is there any other way of paying for licence, beside pay-pal, like an account on which I could transfer the money from my account (from Serbia, EU), because my country is not currently supported on PayPal .... Please, send me some info on .... I want to buy a licence, but there is no other way beside PayPal (?) ...

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    What is the popular method of payment you use in your country?

    You can actually pay via credit card without the need of a Paypal account.. If you look at the screenshot below you will see the credit card link..

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    It's mainly transfer from an account to an account ... We don't get any cards or benefits much ... but I will check into it, about paying with a credit card, at my bank ...

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