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Thread: Buying this, during this month, so i have one question.

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Buying this, during this month, so i have one question.

    Can ClassiPres work on its own? What i'm saying is, i dont have wordpress (i know it is free), i want to buy ClassiPres Pro, but can I start a website based only on this "theme"?

    Another question not so related to the first one, but yet VERY important, are you guys planing to do a "theme" similar to ebay? I need something like that too, please answer me both questions, as i am very interested in this product, since it allows you to modify things.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No it won't, ClassiPress is a premium WordPress theme and features and functionality are built around WordPress, so it needs to be installed first before ClassiPress will work.

    I'm not aware of plans for this right now. The team are working on getting the new themes and updates out before any additional themes are started.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    No it won't, ClassiPress is a premium WordPress theme and features and functionality are built around WordPress, so it needs to be installed first before ClassiPress will work.

    I'm not aware of plans for this right now. The team are working on getting the new themes and updates out before any additional themes are started.
    Ok thanks for the answer! I'll buy it anyway.

    Im sorry, but i have another question and i dont want to open a new thread about it.

    So, if i buy classipress, and jobroller, both pro edition, will i get any sort of discount? If yes, can you guys tell me here if its not a secret? If not, are you guys considering to do anytime in the future?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    We do plan to introduce theme packages in the near future, however at the moment we can offer you a 25% discount on the purchase of your second theme.. So, effectively you buy one at full price, then once that transaction is done we can offer you the discount to buy the second. Hope that makes sense? :)

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