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Thread: Can I add a header block to each category?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Can I add a header block to each category?

    I have a similar question to this guy but I can't see the response as I'm not a customer! classipress-general-discussion/can-insert-ad-block-between-31375

    I want to have a header on the category which has a link to a particular vendor which would be different for each category.
    Eg if the category was Dyson I'd had a header block which had information about Dyson, a link to their site and some blurb and an image. Then the category listings would be Dyson stockists.

    Is that possible within the theme to add or if not, would it be possible to do that with customisation? I'm no wordpress whizz at all, I'll be having someone do that for me, so a laymans answer would be great please!


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The forum thread is posted in the "Vantage General Discussion" forums, which is a customization related forum (not officially supported), but there is discussion about how the modification can be implemented through code changes and also reference to a plugin which was created by someone who is also a member of our development team. He has mentioned he will make additional changes to the next release of the plugin to actually save the additional coding (which may be complicated to implement yourself if you do not have coding experience). Thanks.

  3. #3
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    1. Can the map area in categories be an image instead? Is that a simple setting? Or the customization you speak of?

    2. I see a description would probably be easy to display on the front end is that a setting?

    3. On the homepage can I display a banner image instead of the map?
    4. On the categories page can I display the map? or a banner image?

    Finally do you know of anyone that has added the custom pin functionality successfully?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. There is no specific setting for this, so yes it would require customization if you wanted something else on that particular page.

    2. Part of the description already displays on the listing boxes on the main listing page as seen on the Vantage demo site.

    3. You can choose not to have the map widget active, but since that space is specifically for the map you may need to carry out additional modification to make other widgets for banners display correctly.

    4. Same as mentioned above. You can see the specific sidebar/header widget areas on the Vantage admin demo here.

    Not specifically no, and a quick search of the forums doesn't return results which may indicate this has been discussed. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    1. Could we put an image at the top of the content area in the categories page and have that be the banner image?
    Then listings would display below the content for that page? If not I assume this would be a simple change to the template file in a child theme.

    2. I was referring to the description for the category not the listing. None of the categories in the demo site have descriptions so I can't tell if they will display anywhere.
    Will the description for the category display on the categories page?

    3. Is the homepage just a regular page then? So the change to the categories template would potentially do the same thing on the homepage if I chose it as the template for that page?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. The change can be made through customization, but not via a setting in the Vantage admin dashboard.

    2. Thanks for the clarification, no the description does not display by default.

    3. They are different pages, but potentially through customization yes you could make the changes you want to. Thanks.

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