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Thread: Can I Change the word "Resume" to "C.V"?

  1. #1
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    Can I Change the word "Resume" to "C.V"?

    Okay, So I'm looking to purchase the job roller theme and was wondernig if i can change the word "Resume" to "C.V"?

    because I'm from U.K

    If this is possible, how difficult is it? and what will I have to do?

    I'm not much of a techie and I only just about got a grasp on wordpress after so many years!

    can you please just give me a quick summary of what would have to be done, because if it's too difficult, I'll have to give it a pass.

    Thank You

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are no settings within the theme to make these changes so it would require some customization of the default theme code, and we don't officially support customizations, so there are no tutorials available relating to this. On a related note you can find developers for hire on our certified partners page if you are looking for someone to make the changes. Thanks.

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