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Thread: Can I customise the Resume form, and other questions...

  1. #1
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    Rookie himselfe's Avatar
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    Can I customise the Resume form, and other questions...


    Just a couple of questions before I possibly purchase Job Roller.

    Is it possible to customise the resume screen via the backend, similar to the way it is possible to edit forms in Classipress? The reason I ask is that the site I'm working on would be specific to one type of employment and I'd like those who submit resume's to be forced to choose from a specific list of quals, enter contact info and a few words about themselves. Any thoughts?

    Also, can resumes be moderated and held for approval the same way that job listings are?

    My site would be more geared towards employers looking for employees, rather than the other way around. Employers would visit the site to browse resumes for a particular skill set and then contact the person with the right skills as opposed to employees applying for jobs (although this may still be required). This is the nature of the type of business the site is aimed towards. Lots of freelance and short term work.

    Any info appreciated!


  2. #2
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    Rookie himselfe's Avatar
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    Sorry, one more question! Can I add new custom taxonomis/edit the custom taxonomies that come bundled with the theme?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    JobRoller does not have the custom forms and fields functionality that ClassiPress does, so it would involve customization on your part to alter such forms.

    No, resumes are not held in moderation.

    Our themes are not encrypted, so you "could" technically customize it to suit, so yes, you can make changes if you have the coding knowledge to do so..

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the reply but based on what you say I don't think it will suit my needs without this functionality. My coding skills wouldn't be up to making the changes required.

    I do think that being able to edit the forms and custom taxonomies/post types would be great, especially since the language and wording used is not suited to my country (Ireland). For example, we don't use the word 'resume' and use 'CV' instead. Some of the wording on other parts of the theme also would not suit. I might stick it up on your ideas exchange and see what happens.

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