Can feature set be linked to pricing?
Hi there,
pre-sales questions: )
I'd like to attract four kinds of customers:
- Those, who pay nothing, but get listed so viewers of the site will only see their names and addresses,
- Those, who pay something and get listed so viewers of the site will see a diversity of information including one photo,
- Those who pay a little more than something and get listed so viewers of the site will see a diversity of information including more photos,
- Those who pay a premium and get listed so viewers will see lots and lots of information and photos, plus premium customers get their own blogging area and can be featured on the homepage.
Is this possible without changing the theme's code? Are plug-ins available for linking content features to pricing plans?
How might I deal with (say) a lot of premium customers considering the chances to be featured on the homepage are limited by screen space?
Thank you so much and best,