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Thread: Can I have These Features??

  1. #1
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    graphinet's Avatar
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    Can I have These Features??

    Does ClassiPress supports following features?
    1) Products Ratings & Reviews if user is uploading his products for sale
    2) Does it have a facility to send newsletters? If yes how many mails I can send in a day, week, month or it depends on the server bandwidth?
    If it does not have a newsletter facility, can I integrate mass mailing software to this application?
    3) I want this tool fully customized in terms of copyrights, footer information & many other things so I can sale it by applying my name. Is it possible? If yes, which package I shall purchase? (59? or 69? or 149?)

    Please approve my queries.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Can I have These Features??

    1 & 2 are not built into ClassiPress no. I believe there has been some discussions amongst other member of the ClassiPress community with regards to mailing lists so you may want to search the forums to get an idea of what others may be doing.

    If you are referring to creating ClassiPress websites for clients, then Professional Edition @ $159, is most likely the one you need.. Prices and information are here: You will notice the prices are different to what you have indicated in your post and that is because there was an increase with the release of ClassiPress v3.0 (these prices went up before you posted as well)..

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