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Thread: Can I integrate within existing user database?

  1. #1
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    Guest GhostCav's Avatar

    Can I integrate within existing user database?

    I tried to read the "similar threads" relating to my question, one was vague, the other was limited to members. (i.e. ) I understand that Job Roller is a theme and requires a an existing WP installation. Is there anyway of integrating the databases so that Wordpress & JobRoller share the same users? I read a response by one of your moderators, "jomarkosabel" and they stated, "You may install another instance of wordpress either in a folder and subdomain and put it as part of the menu link in your main website." I also read a nice explanation by pepsi in January.

    Now upon doing what jomarkosabel or pepsi stated,there would be two separate databases. I could always provide a link on the main wordpress site to connect to JobRoller themed wordpress, but is there a workaround for this so that they may share users? Thanks.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes by default there would be two separate databases with two instances of WordPress, but you can definitely share the user database with some additional configuration. You kind of have 2 options, going for the multisite setup, or just by sharing the table only, as explained on this site (There are a number of tutorials you can find in Google which explains how to do this, so this is just one of them found in a quick search).

  3. #3
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    Guest GhostCav's Avatar


    Thank you Pepsi!

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