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Thread: Can Job Listers delet Job Listings from Dashboard?

  1. #1
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    Guest Elvira's Avatar

    Can Job Listers delet Job Listings from Dashboard?


    I have not been able to find out via the demo if job listers can delete job postings from the dashboard.

    I have read some threads in the forum pointing out that jobroller does not offer such feature.

    So I would like to know if a logged in recruiter or employeer can delete job listings and if not, if you plan to add this functionality in the upcoming version?


  2. #2
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    delete liisting

    yea i wondered the same but apparently not which is a silly idea.
    if the lister wanted to cancel the listing, then they cant and the listing would sat there unless they get the Admin to delete it for them.

    Because of this I have had to look elsewhere for a different theme..
    their loss

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elvira View Post

    I have not been able to find out via the demo if job listers can delete job postings from the dashboard.

    I have read some threads in the forum pointing out that jobroller does not offer such feature.

    So I would like to know if a logged in recruiter or employeer can delete job listings and if not, if you plan to add this functionality in the upcoming version?

    You can see from the JobRoller demo site that customers can "End" listings in the customer dashboard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    yea i wondered the same but apparently not which is a silly idea.
    if the lister wanted to cancel the listing, then they cant and the listing would sat there unless they get the Admin to delete it for them.

    Because of this I have had to look elsewhere for a different theme..
    their loss
    See response above. Thanks.

  4. #4
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    Guest Elvira's Avatar

    Thanks for your response.

    By "hidden" I assume you mean the listing shows as light grey and if you click to view the content is says "expired" on front end, such as this one: So I see that once the lister marks the listing hidden it is not deleted at all.

    So may question is if you are planning to add an extra capability (other than the one to mark the listing as "hidden=expired") for the lister to delete the listing so that it does not appear in the front end any more in future developments o not?


  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elvira View Post

    Thanks for your response.

    By "hidden" I assume you mean the listing shows as light grey and if you click to view the content is says "expired" on front end, such as this one: So I see that once the lister marks the listing hidden it is not deleted at all.

    So may question is if you are planning to add an extra capability (other than the one to mark the listing as "hidden=expired") for the lister to delete the listing so that it does not appear in the front end any more in future developments o not?

    In the JobRoller admin demo here you can set the "Expired Jobs Action" to determine what happens to job listings once they have expired, the demo site is set to "Display Message" which greys out the expired listing with a message, however "Hide" will remove it from being published on the site and basically it's sent to a pending/draft mode in the back end. If a customer ends their listing manually, it will also hide, but ultimately will not show on the site. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    Guest Elvira's Avatar
    Ok, Thanks. Let's say that expired/ended jobs are set to hide and as a result such listings are not shown either on the job lister profile nor on home page, categories, etc, if I typed the url e.g. will the listing be accesible and visible online? Thanks.

  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No, it will be in draft mode in the back end, and therefore not published/available. Thanks.

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