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Thread: Can it be modifed to work as Freelance site?

  1. #1
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    Guest bladerogers's Avatar

    Can it be modifed to work as Freelance site?

    So, am looking for something more along the lines of a free lance theme, like, for a client site. Initially with the parameters of the project this appeared to be a possible solution, but I am starting to think it may not fit the bill. Please note the following questions, in particular the last one.

    - search post relative to distance
    - restrict viewing of posts based on criteria, example I don’t want a dealer in BC to be talking about purchasing a service with someone in newfoundland
    - any sort of messaging centre built into the site so any communication could easily happen on the site and it forces traffic back
    - spots for banner advertisements
    - any way for buyers to rate the dealers?

    So, in the case of JobRoller, I see the buyers accounts as Company Job posting accounts in JobRoller, and the dealers as applicant accounts. Essentially the buyers would be posting a request for service (aka a job posting), and vendors/dealers would be responding to these requests (aka applications). Will this suite fit this roll with relative ease, or should I be looking elsewhere at this point for freelance scripts for base functionality instead?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    - As you can see on the JobRoller demo site, there is a radius search dropdown option just below the location field, so the customer can determine the radius they want the search to apply to based on the location they enter in.

    - This is not a feature of the theme to restrict viewing of posts in the way you describe. It would require customization of the default theme on your part if you were looking to do something like that.

    - No, this is not currently a feature of the theme.

    - JobRoller has advertising spaces you can configure from the JobRoller admin dashboard (Settings > Advertising tab). These are for a header banner and a single job listing page banner, and you can also use widgets for sidebar ads if you wish.

    - There is no rating system built into the theme at this time.

    Ultimately the theme is not encrypted, so you can make modifications to it if you wish.. it's just a matter of whether or not there are enough default features you need vs the extra work you need to do to make it work for your project. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest bladerogers's Avatar
    I suspect the rating system would be the biggest challenge. Do any of the other themes have a code base from which I could draw to implement such a feature more easily? This is a critical feature, so I am thinking I might be better of searching for other scripts for this particular project. Thanks Pepsi!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The Vantage theme has a rating system built into it for listings, however I should also mention the Starstruck plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace which also allows for ratings, but the key point missing right now for your purposes is that it currently doesn't support custom taxonomies. There are plans for this in a future release of the plugin, however we do not have a time frame at the moment. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thank you Pepsi♥

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

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