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Thread: Can it do this? OMG it does?

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Guest PotentialBuyerofVantage's Avatar

    Can it do this? OMG it does?

    Are there options on changing the design of the theme e.g disabling the review, making the sidebar to the left, changing the look of the listing in the homepage not just lined up like that like making square boxes and they would be side by side and the logo/picture would be showing.

    Can anyone show to the right direction on what will be the future features of vantage theme?

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Thanked 1,873 Times in 1,770 Posts

    You can change the design of the theme according to your needs by changing the code (css, html, php).

    Please let me know if you need more information about the theme.

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