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Thread: Can I purchase on that looks like the demo

  1. #1
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    Guest Traviodemo's Avatar

    Can I purchase on that looks like the demo

    I have a friend that has a version of classipress, but his version has the square corners and buttons. The search ads box is also a widget on the right. If I buy the $69.00 version can I get one with the search box at the top of the page and with images next to the categories or is this extra stuff things I have to program and find widgets for? What about some of the demos they look very different? is there different looks I can purchase and if so at what price?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The version of ClassiPress you see in the demo is the most recent one available (, so this is the one that any new customer will get by default, or that existing customers can upgrade to.

    The demo site is actually what it looks like out of the box (apart from the actual ad content and categories which you create yourself). The search box is standard, but the category icons is a customization for which you can find instructions for on our blog.

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