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Thread: Can I start with Classipress and upgrade to Vantage when that's ready?

  1. #1
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    Guest steve231's Avatar

    Can I start with Classipress and upgrade to Vantage when that's ready?

    Hi there,

    Sorry if I'm asking something that may have been touched on before, but I'm another prospect who would buy Vantage immediately if it were available, but since it's not...I'm wondering can I upgrade when Vantage is released without having to pay full price for another theme?

    I understand there may be some work involved to transition from Classipress to Vantage which I'm fine with, but if I have to pay for a theme I don't really want so I can get started on a site now and will then be expected to buy the theme I originally wanted when that's released, that wouldn't really sit too well with me.

    Thanks for your time and assistance!


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    I don't know what sort of packages will be available once all of our themes are released, but if you're basically saying you want to pay for ClassiPress now, and then want Vantage at no extra cost later, then I would have to say the answer is no. Existing customers can currently get a 25% discount on the purchase of additional themes, so presumably this or something similar will be available when Vantage is released.

    These are 2 different themes, and as such, Vantage is not considered an "upgrade" from ClassiPress. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Thread Starter
    Guest steve231's Avatar
    Thanks for your prompt reply Pepsi!

    I certainly understand that these are two separate themes and one is not an "upgrade" to the other, but unfortunately the one I really need now is not available and may not be for some time, so it looks like I'll need to find another solution somewhere else.



  4. #4
    Waiting on Vantage
    Guest Waiting on Vantage's Avatar
    I see support of our "release Vantage quicker" cause is growing here: Prioritise development of Vantage ahead of other Apps | Facebook

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