can i use the classipress to setup and design a page like etsy ore
Dear Developpers and Forum members
sorry for my bad english - i hope you understand me.
i am not shure if i understand the theme corectly.
is that thru that i can made and manage a website like ore whit this template?
a marketplace with add payment of 50 cent per Add and also 5% comission fee for example?
automaticly send the invoice to the costumer once a month, for example?
or only payment in advance?
if there someone here that can, install, costomize, modify and design the template a little bit different?
how many will that cost? for an example? someone interested?
iam interrested to hire someone to do that and modyfie the template like dawanda ore etsy.
appthemes can/will/are interested do that too?
if there someone that write/understand german it would be better :-))
best regards and thanks for any feedback