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Thread: Changes to JR

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Changes to JR

    Is it possible to make the Job Roller act more like

    This is what I am looking for and I will translate it to Spanish as well.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Technically it is possible with a lot of theme customization, but out of the box you would not be able to configure the theme to function in the way that your example site does. From briefly looking at the mybuilder site, it actually feels more like it's closer to our ClassiPress theme in terms of functionality, however even that would require additional customization. Ultimately our themes are not encrypted, so if you did want to start with a theme and make changes from there, it would be possible.

    If you did go with JobRoller, there is currently no Spanish language file for the theme, so you could save money on your theme purchase if you became an AppThemes translator. You can read more about this here on our languages page. Thanks.

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