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Thread: Changing classipress header

  1. #1
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    Changing classipress header

    I know that you can change the header but would really need step by step of how this can be done before I felt comfortable purchasing. To an image of my chose.

    I currently have a wordpress account and would like classipress to be connected with this, is that possible?.

    Also could I create a second separate classipress account to use with another site?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Changing classipress header

    ClassiPress is a Wordpress theme, so you actually have to have it installed on an instance of Wordpress for it to work.

    Changing the header logo in ClassiPress is very easy. You simply need to go into the Wordpress admin dashboard and access the ClassiPress settings. Once you are in the "General Configuration" section, you type in the URL to your image and that will replace the default ClassiPress logo.

    If you plan to install CP on more than one website, you just need to be sure you purchase a developer licence.

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