Emphasis on "AppThemes made" child themes, so yes you get all
6 existing themes, with the current AppThemes made child theme available, being
Flannel. This is also clarified in the FAQ section of the
pricing page:
Are Marketplace items included with Club?
Child themes produced by AppThemes are included with the purchase of AppThemes Club. Additionally, AppThemes Club subscribers will receive new AppThemes-created child themes released during their membership period. All other marketplace products – including plugins created by AppThemes and plugins and child themes created by other developers – must be purchased separately.
You do not get child themes created by other marketplace developers. Color settings for a child theme are dependent on the child theme itself and whether those options are offered, otherwise it would involve customization on your part.
You'll also gain access to any other AppThemes themes and AppThemes made child themes within the duration of your subscription (12 months). Thanks.