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Thread: Choosing a Theme & Customization

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Choosing a Theme & Customization

    Dear Appthemes Support & Enthusiasts,

    We are brainstorming about creating a new website and have recently come across your themes.

    We would like to create a directory for medical professionals.

    Our website viewers should be able to search for medical professionals by: (In the following order)

    1. Language
    2. If they are available for online or office check ups
    3. Specialization
    4. Country, State & City - Outside the US: Country & City

    The search results should then be further narrowed with arguments like:

    1. Price range of services
    2. Years of experience
    3. Age Group

    We greatly appreciate if you could point us in the correct direction by recommending us a theme.

    Further more, we understand that our project will require substantial customization. Does Appthemes offer a customization service?
    If not, could you please provide us with some third parties?

    Thanking in advance,

    Kind Regards,


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    We have two themes which could essentially fit the bill. Vantage is our business directory theme, and ClassiPress is our classifieds theme (however, this could be modified to suit). The reason why I mention both is that whilst Vantage is probably the best fit for the project you describe overall, what it doesn't currently have that ClassiPress has, is an advanced search functionality which will allow your users to search by custom fields which you determine (hence, allowing searching of the fields you describe - you can see this functionality on the ClassiPress demo site in the category view sidebar as "refine results"). In saying this, you could still modify Vantage to offer this functionality also.

    AppThemes does not offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for the work. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Differences Between Vantage & Classipress

    Thank you for your prompt reply!

    If I understand correctly, the main difference between Vantage and Classipress:

    a. Vantage offers visitors the opportunity to search by Country & City.
    b. Classipress, on the other hand, allows you to search by Custom Fields.

    Knowing this, what is more reasonable?

    a. To integrate Custom Fields search into Vantage
    b. To integrate Search by Country & City into Classipress

    Do you have a plugin that could facilitate one of the above features?

    Thank you & I look forward to your reply,



  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You can still search by City and Country in ClassiPress using the advanced search, with the added benefit of actually being able to search other custom fields as well, which Vantage does not currently offer. There are many other differences between these themes, but that aspect is in relation to your original outline relating to search.

    Again, you can search country and city in ClassiPress already (just not on the homepage by default). There aren't any specific plugins to facilitate moving/changing these theme features. Thanks.

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