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Thread: Claim Listing Features

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Claim Listing Features

    This feature is really important to us as we are populating the directory ourselves with the intention to have listing owners eventually take responsibility for their listings.

    1. Can we 'assign' listings to their owners instead of just giving them the option to claim them? (they are going to be free for now)

    2. Can we send out a bulk notification to all listing owners once a year to remind them to update their listings?
    Ideally this notification would include a link to their listing and a button to modify or approve it once they got there.

    3. The listing owner edits their listings on the front end correct? Do they need a login?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. Yes you can certainly assign listings to specific user accounts from within the Vantage admin dashboard by using the "Author" dropdown menu and selecting the relevant user.

    2. There is an email functionality built into the theme which would email a user when their listing has expired, however this is specific to the listing date rather than a bulk option to send the emails all at once.

    3. Yes, users would need to register in order to edit their listings, and they can do this from within their front-end customer dashboard. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    So to notify listing owners that their listing needs to be updated we would have to manually click a button for every listing? Or it would automatically generate when the listing expires?

    Sorry for more questions but this is key.
    So say we have created users for our listings and set them up with user accounts, assigned their listing to them and made it expire a year from creation.
    - When the listing expired it would automatically send an email to that user asking them to renew their listing.
    - They would click on a link inside that email that would take them to their listing (or a login page?)
    - Where they would then update their listing and resubmit it for approval.
    Is that correct?

    What if they don't renew it? Does it go into an expired status? Could we bulk update the expired status to renew them or would it have to be done one by one?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The expiry notification email is sent automatically. Since you mentioned wanting to send bulk notifications to users, that's what's not part of the theme by default.

    Yes, your description of the expiry process is correct.

    If they don't want to renew it, then the listing remains unpublished (expired). You can use the quick edit function in WordPress to publish listings, but this is still individually. Thanks.

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