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Thread: ClassiPress 3.3

  1. #1
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    ClassiPress 3.3

    I have WordPress 3.5 Some of my individual pages in the navigational bar have to do with different areas of Technology.
    Example: Biology, Chemistry, Electroniscs, etc. and also BLOG. Can I upload ClassiPress 3.3 and designate a page called, for example "Classifieds" or does the entire WordPress site have to be dedicated to ClassiPress?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    New Zealand
    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    If you are using an existing theme, then yes installing ClassiPress will replace it, however based on the scenario you have described it would be easy to still use ClassiPress and set up a "Classifieds" page link on your existing site by installing ClassiPress in a subdirectory which would give the same result as what you are looking to do..


    This is what many of our customers do when they want to retain an existing theme for their homepage. Thanks.

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