Re: Classipress
Please be patient. We all work off different time zones around here ;)
The credit links are not controlled by the admin page, so this is why you won't find an option there.
When you purchase your licence and download the theme, you will have full access to all the files which you will need to make whatever customizations you wish to.
The 50% discount applies to the purchase you make, and any future upgrades are at the standard price you would pay to upgrade from whatever licence you have (So ultimately it would make more sense to buy the appropriate package in the first instance to make the most of the discount)..
When a buyer contacts a seller, they use the contact form in the sidebar of the ad which does not reveal the sellers email address. The only time the buyer will see the sellers address is if the seller replies to their email.
There is no built in messaging system with ClassiPress at this stage. If you search the forums you can find other members discussing this topic though, which may provide you with some ideas/info.
If you enable HTML in your ads, your users can insert a YouTube code, but there is no option to upload actual videos.
As I mentioned, for some of these topics you can find existing threads in the forums where members have discussed them more at depth which may be useful to you if you're looking to customize.