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Thread: ClassiPress? Is this about the best classified ad theme out there?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    ClassiPress? Is this about the best classified ad theme out there?

    Can the members post/modify and delete their ads?

    Can you have different levels of memberships/subscriptions, one being a browser that they can only see pictures, but not information on the items?

    Can other plug ins be added to this theme? Such as yard sale, events, forums, business ads, refer a friend, affiliates, fb, pinterest, news, etc.?
    Can members comment on ads?

    Do I get a discount for being hosted by Bluehost, signed up yesterday?

    Does this have a built in blog to use on all pages or most anyway?

    Please help! I need to do this NOW!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    - Yes, members can modify their ads and can take them offline, but they cannot delete them (For SEO reasons you would not want your users to be able to delete ads at will from your site).
    - ClassiPress by default only has one login type and no specific restrictions as you describe based on membership. This would require customization of the default theme on your part.
    - Yes you can add plugins, however AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins so we cannot guarantee that all plugins will be compatible with our themes.
    - You can choose from your settings whether or not you want members to be able to comment on ads.
    - If you meet the promo conditions and have contacted us as outlined on our promos page, then yes you should be eligible.
    - ClassiPress includes its own blog. Blog posts are separate from ad listings.


  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Another question

    There are, however, levels of memberships/subscriptions that I could set, such as buyers are allowed 0 pictures or 0 words for a certain amount. Sellers would be allowed say 20 pictures and 1000 words per month for a little more per month. Power Sellers have unlimited pictures and words for an even higher amount. Then have businesses at even a higher amount per month. This is just an example of how it would be. But want to make sure I can set the various memberships.

    Can ClassiPress also be used as an auction site or would I have to buy that program and then make one page of the site go to AuctionPress or something.

    On the yard sale category, it should work by them putting it in like an ad with an address, couldn't I?

  4. #4
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    Forgot to ask...

    I'm kind of confused I I purchase ClassiPress alone? What about the child themes? Are they upgrades to the original CP? I want to get the latest one with the most features. Do I buy the more expensive one and then one of the child themes to get the latest features such as the SOLD banner or highlighted featured ads?

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    There are, however, levels of memberships/subscriptions that I could set, such as buyers are allowed 0 pictures or 0 words for a certain amount. Sellers would be allowed say 20 pictures and 1000 words per month for a little more per month. Power Sellers have unlimited pictures and words for an even higher amount. Then have businesses at even a higher amount per month. This is just an example of how it would be. But want to make sure I can set the various memberships.

    Can ClassiPress also be used as an auction site or would I have to buy that program and then make one page of the site go to AuctionPress or something.

    On the yard sale category, it should work by them putting it in like an ad with an address, couldn't I?
    The membership functionality of ClassiPress does not have options for xx amount of words, xx amount of images as you describe. The packages basically allow you to set a price for unlimited ads for a specified period of time (as you can see here from the ClassiPress admin demo), so what you have outlined are not default functions of the theme and would require customization.

    There are no auction based functions within ClassiPress, so setting auctions within a classified ad is not possible with the default theme. ClassiPress has a custom forms and fields function where yes you could allow users to post their address information for listings such as yard sales.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I'm kind of confused I I purchase ClassiPress alone? What about the child themes? Are they upgrades to the original CP? I want to get the latest one with the most features. Do I buy the more expensive one and then one of the child themes to get the latest features such as the SOLD banner or highlighted featured ads?
    ClassiPress has all the functionality as outlined on the theme information page, and child themes that are offered in the AppThemes marketplace can allow additional functionality and layout options not already included in the parent theme, but they are not technically an "upgrade". Child themes do not function without the parent theme, so if you intend to purchase one then you do need ClassiPress in order for it to work. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    ClassiPress working with ClassiAuction

    I did a search to see if I could combine the Classifieds with the Auction and it came up with this...

    ClassiPress Auction Demo – ClassiPress Auction Plugin Now ...
    ClassiPress Auction Plugin Now Running On ClassiPress v3.2.1. Now also available for clean Wordpress Installs, just give us your theme and we make the ...

    But it does not take me anywhere (maybe it is my computer). I was wondering if there is now a plug in that is allowing you to make an auction page on your classifieds website. If not, what is the best solution to combine the two. Do I purchase the AuctionPress also and then somehow connect it to one of the pages of my Classifieds theme? I really appreciate you trying to help me figure this out!

    Thank you!

  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    AppThemes has not created any auction plugins for ClassiPress, nor are there any plugins of this nature in the AppThemes marketplace, so we cannot vouch for the one you have mentioned. In terms of this auction functionality, as mentioned this would require customization of the default theme as there is really no way to integrate these two themes in the way you have described. AppThemes does not offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they will be able to provide a quote for the work. Thanks.

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