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Thread: classipress classifieds to use in another country

  1. #1
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    classipress classifieds to use in another country

    If I buy classipress ($99) is that possible to have it in Portuguese language?
    also Can I ad more than one city? I mean I want to make this web classifieds
    for my city and the others close by.....but in the demo I didn't see the option
    to look about choose the city!!! please answer.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, our themes can be translated into any language, and we do currently have a Portuguese translation file available for ClassiPress as shown on our language packs page.

    ClassiPress has an advanced search functionality which appears on the category view sidebar as shown here on the ClassiPress demo site as "refine results", there your users can search by location specific information and other custom fields as selected by you. Thanks.

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